Oh where has the time gone!

So it's been over a year since I last wrote anything. Our world as we know it has been a total mess! Regardless of what we have going on outside we still have our own issues inside. I tried a couple rounds of Clomid and just as I expected my body laughed at it. IContinue reading "Oh where has the time gone!"

Double Whammy Fertility Issues! (D&C Results)

So after waiting and waiting, I finally had my D&C two weeks ago. I went and got my results and I don't have any cancer. Unfortunately she found that both of my fallopian tubes are closed. She wants to do the HSG test to make sure. Having pcos is one thing, but having both tubesContinue reading "Double Whammy Fertility Issues! (D&C Results)"

It was there the whole time….

I see where the doctors talk about being prediabetic and how a darker neck means you need to get your blood sugar under control. The picture above is me at 7 years old. I've never noticed until I became diagnosed with pcos that my neck was darker. Did my parents not notice or did theContinue reading "It was there the whole time…."

My new diagnosis and how it affects my loved ones.

Atypical Endometrial Hyperplasia is a precancerous condition that can develop in the lining of the uterus (called the endometrium). It is an overgrowth of abnormal cells, or it can develop from endometrial hyperplasia, which is an overgrowth of normal cells. Sometimes polyps that grow in the uterus will have atypical endometrial hyperplasia. Atypical endometrial hyperplasiaContinue reading "My new diagnosis and how it affects my loved ones."

Fat shaming….and world pcos day 2019

This is a reflection from Thursday! I went to get a biopsy done on my endometrial lining and from the beginning to the end I was beyond pissed! I go to the back with my husband and the nurse asked who was my contact person. I stated my husband was, so she asked him hisContinue reading "Fat shaming….and world pcos day 2019"

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